There are in fact many things that you are most likely doing on a daily-basis, that would make a professional plumber cringe! Here are the top three things you are doing, that your really plumber wishes you wouldn’t! 1. Ignoring the Problem …
Tag Archive for: plumbing projects
We all know when you call out a tradesperson, there is generally a service fee involved and then labour and parts are charged on top. Service or call out fees can range in price depending on the company and location. Labour is usually charged in 15 minute increments and parts will be charged if they are required.
Doing it yourself and avoiding the cost of hiring a plumber may seem like a good idea, but there are some plumbing projects that should simply always be handled by a professional plumber. Plumbing projects you should avoid…
MJ Walker Plumbing
No.1 Plumbing Service Northern Gold Coast
Phone: 07 5573 5846
P.O.Box 1785 Oxenford Gold Coast 4210