Sometimes household expenses can get the better of you. When your water bill comes due and you are sick of feeling overwhelmed by the expense, then it’s time to consider how you can upgrade your household to lower your water usage.
Tag Archive for: water usage
Whilst Queenslanders are supposed to keep their water usage to under 200 litres per person per day, what do you do if your water usage is higher than usual? If you have looked into all the options and you are still none the wiser you may have …
Most Aussies are lucky enough to have access to basic utilities for everyday living. While water is a natural resource, it may not always be plentiful, and our increasing population, we need to more water wise.
MJ Walker Plumbing
No.1 Plumbing Service Northern Gold Coast
Phone: 07 5573 5846
P.O.Box 1785 Oxenford Gold Coast 4210