What to Consider When Your Water Usage has Increased

MJ Walker Plumbing - Water Useage Increase

Water is a precious resource for us to use wisely

Water usage is something that is monitored closely in the Queensland. Whilst we are blessed with a beautifully warm climate throughout the year, this can also lead to severe water shortages at times.

Keep an eye on the South-East Queensland Dam Levels to find out if there is any water restrictions at the moment to follow.

Water usage in south-east Queensland has increased from an average of 156 litres per person per day to 185 litres per person per day.

What do you do if your water usage is higher than usual?

During the summer months, be mindful that filling the pool or watering the garden can significantly raise the cost of your water bill during the summer months, plus due to the heat many people take extra showers, all contributing to additional water bills.

Unfortunately, if you don’t have a pool or garden you may have to look into whether you have a leak. This may not be visible so could entail a plumber looking at your underground pipes.

A constant running toilet or washing machine can give the same consistent water readings as a leak, so before getting a plumber out have a quick check of the easily remedied issues.

Maybe you had guests over the Easter school holidays that could have contributed to the additional water usage.

If you have looked into all the options and you are still none the wiser you may have just have a faulty reading.

So what do I do next?

Check your water meter at regular intervals and see if the amount used is in proportion to the amount recorded on the metre.

Check your household for any leaking taps or appliances.

If you feel that the issue is due to a faulty meter reading, then call your local council to discuss how it can be rectified.

However, if there is a leakage or another plumbing issue to save water and money it is imperative that you call a reputable plumber as soon as possible.

MJ Walker Plumbing has serviced the Gold Coast area since 2004, providing great service at a reasonable price.

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